Supporting Ukrainian families and carers of children with FASD in Europe

The EUFASD Alliance and the member organizations are deeply concerned about the welfare of refugees from Ukraine, in particular children who may be affected by FASD. These children have sensory, cognitive and behavioral disorders which make them particularly vulnerable to stress and inappropriate or dangerous behavior.
Although we do not know the number of affected children among the refugee population, we do know from our colleagues at FAS Ukraine that many children have fled with their families. Furthermore, there is serious cause for concern among child refugees from child care homes, as research suggests that at least 50% of children in Ukrainian orphanages have FASD.
The EUFASD Alliance is working closely together with FAS Ukraine and colleagues in Poland, Slovakia, and Romania to identify and support child refugees with FASD, including those without families.
Ukrainian families of children with FASD can contact FAS Ukraine. For support in various European countries, please contact any of our EUFASD member organizations. Additionally, in the UK, National FASD can provide support.